O ARDIS® ANALYTICS ajuda a Integral a tomar as decisões comerciais corretas ——
A Integral (Eeklo, Bélgica) é uma fornecedora completa de móveis para interiores no setor B2B e é especializada em balcões de exposição refrigerados. Cada projeto é único, o que implica um processo de produção complexo e o uso de materiais diferentes, muitas vezes caros.

In the last couple of years Integral has invested heavily in order to increase the efficiency of their production process. By making active use of ARDIS® ANALYTICS, Integral was able to make the correct business decisions.

ARDIS® ANALYTICS gave Integral the right clues as to how they could move forward.

  • Managing offcuts more efficiently.
  • Buying the right machines.
  • Optimizing construction methodology to increase yield.

Do you also want to make better decisions? — Click and discover the power of our cloud based BI-toolLearn more  ›
—— “One of the things we learned from ANALYTICS was that our overall yield was too low. In order to make the most out of our basic materials we now actively manage our offcuts by using ARDIS® STOCK.”

Pierre De Puydt (sales manager Integral)
Yield increase through better offcut management ——

Indeed yield increase is obtained not only by making use of the best OPTIMZER, but also by actively managing offcuts. By keeping track of offcuts and reusing them in future optimization projects yield can be improved significantly.

Integral works with ARDIS® STOCK. This means that:

  • Offcuts are uniquely labelled and are kept at a unique location in the stock.
  • Offcuts are easily retrievable by the operators in the workshop.
  • Offcut properties are defined in detail. Operators no longer have to measure them up.
  • Offcuts can be uniquely assigned to a particular project, so they cannot be simply taken out of the stock.
  • Offcuts that were not created from an optimization project, can still be entered manually into the database.
Interested in active offcut management? — Click and learn more about our solution.Watch movie  ›Discover ARDIS® STOCK  ›
ARDIS®: all products are powerful alone, but better together! ——

For Integral, it did not stop there. Recently, the following two ARDIS® solutions were implemented as well:

  • Parametric parts calculation: a powerful solution where the design of a model cabinet is stored parametrically in the optimization software.
  • CAM CENTER: our brand new solution that allows you to manage CNC-instructions and pilot CNC-machines in a more flexible way.
Design, optimize and produce in just a few mouse clicks?ARDIS® makes it possible! Click and find out more.Parametric parts calculation  ›CAM CENTER  ›
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